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Delivering immediate response and long-term recovery: effective partnering in disaster relief zones

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Experts in the disaster relief sector will gather together this week to discuss delivering immediate response and how to maintain long-term recovery.

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions will join leaders in the field at the special breakfast roundtable being held in Westminster to host the discussions at the event: “Delivering immediate response and long-term recovery: effective partnering in disaster relief zones”.

As one of the world’s leading medical technology companies, Q-bital is hosting this invitation-only breakfast roundtable which will bring together a range of senior figures and first responders in the disaster relief sector.

Emily Hough, Editor at Crisis Response Journal, is among the speakers who will lead the discussions at the event along with representatives of major charities involved in disaster relief and immediate response.

Chief Executive of Q-bital, David Cole, said: “We are very much looking forward to bringing a range of key stakeholders operating in the emergency and disaster relief sector together and discussing the key issues facing the sector.

“We’re keen to consider how organisations - public, private, third sector – can work in partnership to deliver effective response and recovery for areas of the world hit by either natural or man-made disaster.

“Q-bital is a leading provider of mobile healthcare facilities. We use the latest innovative technologies to deliver additional or replacement healthcare capacity when and where it is needed through our fleet of mobile clinical facilities, such as operating rooms, wards, clinics, endoscopy suites and others.

“As an organisation, we work with a range of partners to provide rapid support in deploying resources to meet the needs of local communities and populations, both in the UK and overseas.

“This work has led us to look at how we might be able to provide similar support more widely across the globe, in response to crisis or emergency situations. But services such as ours are only part of any solution. What we hope to explore fully in the session is how organisations across sectors can co-operate to provide timely and relevant solutions in emergency situations and in the aftermath.”

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
