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Мобилен хирургически разтвор, инсталиран в болница Glenfield

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Допълнителен хирургичен капацитет ще бъде инсталиран в болница Glenfield, Лестър, за да се улеснят допълнителните дневни процедури за случаи и да се справят със списъците с чакащи.

Mobile Healthcare Space solutions are helping an NHS Trust add additional capacity for essential elective surgical procedures.

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions is working alongside University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in creating a mobile surgical solution including mobile laminar flow and standard rooms alongside a подвижно отделение at its Glenfield Hospital site. The solution will allow the Trust to add to its capacity to provide essential day case procedures and reduce waiting times.

The solution allows patients to be admitted and discharged without leaving the facility, assisting with infection control and a better patient experience. It includes both a standard room and laminar flow room and procedures will run on a two-three month rotation including general surgery, gynaecology, gastroenterology, vascular, urology and musculoskeletal.

The surgical hub, which is connected to the main hospital building by a purpose-built corridor allowing for a seamless patient journey, is set to be on site at Glenfield for at least 12 months and will operate five-days-a-week initially. As well as the two rooms and ward, Q-bital will also be providing a unit facilitator who will work in collaboration with an external provider of clinical staff and UHL’s surgical teams.

The solution has been created using mobile clinical spaces. This includes a mobile laminar flow room alongside a standard room and ward space which includes reception, consultation rooms, staff facilities and a six to eight bed ward.

Q-bital laminar flow rooms are designed and built by Q-bital and provide an anaesthetic room, operating room, two-bed first-stage recovery area, staff changing room and utility areas. The laminar flow specification offers HEPA Filtered environmental air, conforming to Grade A EUGMP, with up to 600 air changes per hour passing over the patient, necessary for orthopaedic work.

John Quarmby, Account Manager North at Q-bital, said: “We are delighted to be working with the Trust on this important project which will help them add capacity for essential surgical procedures.

“The team from Q-bital worked alongside the Trust’s management, clinical and estates teams to create this bespoke solution to meet their specific needs. Combining both high quality standard and laminar flow clinical spaces with the ward means patients have a straightforward journey, and patient flow is maximised.

“We are also currently working with the Trust providing a dual procedure endoscopy suite at Leicester General Hospital and we’re delighted to have furthered our working relationship on this fantastic project.”

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larger mobile operating theatre

Операционна зала от 49 м², доставена, инсталирана и отворена за седмици

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

Електронна поща:
[email protected]