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Недела на славење и споделување: Важноста на споделување искуства од извонредната клиничка пракса, тимска работа и личен успех низ нашите различни мултидисциплинарни тимови.

It goes without saying that the past two years have been exceptionally challenging for those working within the healthcare sector, particularly our staff working on facilities up and down the country. With Nurses’ and International Nurses’ day on 12ти May and ODP day on 14ти May, Q-bital is gearing up to dedicate a week to solely celebrating the hard work of our clinical teams.

From the moment a patient walks into a Q-bital Healthcare Space to the moment they leave, every member of the clinical team is on hand to ensure that they receive the best possible patient outcome. Indeed, from Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) to Scrub и Endoscopy Nurses and Healthcare Assistants (HCAs), the efforts of clinical teams can often be overlooked by the wider operations occurring in healthcare settings. This week we will be giving back to our staff, recognising their outstanding efforts and their continuous work in ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Born on the 12ти May 1820, Florence Nightingale is best known for her work in improving conditions for wounded soldiers during the Crimean war, providing bathing, clean clothing and nourishment to embattled soldiers. Pioneering the early traits of modern nursing, the Lady with the Lamp has become an internationally renowned symbol for Nurses’ and it seems only right to hold international Nurses’ day on the day of her birth, marking the tremendous contributions nurses make to healthcare.

With more than 50 clinical staff covering a range of specialisms and professions, Q-bital clinical teams are a crucial cog in delivering clinical success and tackling hospital waiting lists. During this week, Q-bital will be inviting all our clinical staff to take a break and share their experiences and stories with their peers, opening the floor to celebrate individual and team successes.

Cherry Lee, Head of Clinical Services and Practice said: “As an ODP by trade I have always loved working in Operating Theatres and will admit to being a little bias around the roles room and Endoscopy practitioners, as well the vital role non-qualified practitioners, play in the delivery of care for patients.  Be that undergoing a diagnostic or treatment-based procedure, we are there to be their advocates, when they are feeling vulnerable, worried, scared and alone. “

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Можно е и ова да ти се допаѓа...

larger mobile operating theatre

Операциона сала од 49 m², испорачана, инсталирана и отворена за неколку недели

Новата, поголема, мобилна хируршка установа на Q-bital обезбедува повеќе простор во неговата сала за анестезија, операционата сала и сала за опоравување, а сепак, како и другите наши мобилни установи, може да биде оперативна во рок од неколку недели по одлуката да се преземе акција. Направете видео турнеја.
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Нашата изложба на SAMTIT Конгрес 2024 година

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Иновативен објект за „предавање на брза помош“ му помага на Фондацијата НХС на северозападна Англија да го подобри искуството на пациентот

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions обезбеди иновативен објект за „предавање на брза помош“ на Фондацијата на Фондацијата NHS на северозападна Англија, која веќе поддржа повеќе од 15.000 пациенти.
Прочитај повеќе

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

[email protected]