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Модуларните решенија обезбедуваат дополнителен капацитет за COVID-19

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Како одговор на појавата на СОВИД-19, Q-bital стави на располагање некои дополнителни модуларни капацитети за поддршка на давателите на здравствени услуги во Европа со планирање на капацитетот и потребата за зголемена отпорност како резултат на тековната криза.

In response the COVID-19 outbreak, Q-bital Healthcare Solutions has made available some additional modular facilities to support healthcare providers in Europe with capacity planning and the need for increased resilience as a result of the ongoing crisis.

A small number of high-quality modular wards и операционите сали, which can be used to provide additional surgical or ward capacity are available immediately and can be configured, equipped, transported and made operational very quickly. The modular buildings can also be adapted to suit individual providers’ needs, even as their requirements change, providing additional flexibility.

Options include 10, 12 and 18 bed wards. The 18-bed ward is available for transport to site immediately and provides 16 beds in double rooms and 2 beds in single rooms, with a bathroom containing a shower, sink and toilet. The unit also contains a reception room, main reception, office, medicine room, kitchen, toilet and a dirty utility. This option can also be extended to include an additional 6 beds, though this option will require additional time to set up before the module can be shipped.

The 10 and 12 bed wards can be configured and made ready for shipping in 3-4 weeks. A double operating room complex with a recovery area is also available for shipping immediately. Alternatively, this module can be reconfigured as a ward providing 11 extra bed spaces, a process which will take around 3 weeks.

Also available are hybrid operating room modules that can be configured to house CT scanners, supplied through Q-bital’s onward supply chain. All the modules are currently situated in the Netherlands.

The modular options that are currently available are listed below, but additional wards and rooms in different configurations can be supplied on request.

To enquire about any of our modular solutions, please contact info@q-bital.com.

Module Type # beds Total m2 Current Location Status
Ward 18 beds 660 NL 16 beds in double rooms and 2 in single rooms. Packed and ready to ship.
Double operating room complex with recovery OT complex 340 NL Ready to ship as operating room complex. Reconfigurable to a ward with a maximum of 11 beds in total. Takes 3 weeks to configure, plus shipping.
Ward 10 beds 216 NL Modules in stock and can be configured in 4 weeks, plus shipping.
Ward 12 beds 144 NL Modules in stock and can be configured in 4 weeks, plus shipping.


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Можно е и ова да ти се допаѓа...

larger mobile operating theatre

Операциона сала од 49 m², испорачана, инсталирана и отворена за неколку недели

Новата, поголема, мобилна хируршка установа на Q-bital обезбедува повеќе простор во неговата сала за анестезија, операционата сала и сала за опоравување, а сепак, како и другите наши мобилни установи, може да биде оперативна во рок од неколку недели по одлуката да се преземе акција. Направете видео турнеја.
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Прочитај повеќе

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
