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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions се пресели

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Седиштето на Q-bital Healthcare Solutions сега се наоѓа на Unit 1144, Regent Court, The Square, GL3 4AD.

Leading Healthcare Spaces provider, Q-bital Healthcare Solutions, has moved its head office to a new location in the Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth.

Following a period of significant growth and the relaxation of working from home regulations Q-bital has decided to relocate their head office to a new location in Brockworth. The move is set to accommodate the growing number of office staff.

The duplex office layout features a kitchen on each floor, video conferencing rooms, meeting rooms and social areas. Q-bital has paid particular attention to the requests from employees, with the inclusion of standing desks, multiple dedicated meeting rooms and wellbeing spaces.

Facilitating the collaboration of ideas between individuals in all areas of the business, the open plan layout of the office ensures that every member of the Q-bital team remains accessible and approachable.  The office remains open for all Q-bital employees and will stand as a fantastic opportunity for team members, old and new, to share ideas. Тоби Говерс , Chief Financial Officer at Q-bital said: “Throughout the last few years Q-bital has experienced a period of significant growth and employees have managed this excellently given the adjustment to working from home requirements. The new space will assist in supporting the exceptional growth that Q-bital has been experiencing, existing as a hub for clinicians and office staff to share ideas and develop long lasting working relationships with one another". Седиштето на Q-bital Healthcare Solutions сега се наоѓа на Unit 1144, Regent Court, The Square, GL3 4AD.

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Можно е и ова да ти се допаѓа...

larger mobile operating theatre

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Новата, поголема, мобилна хируршка установа на Q-bital обезбедува повеќе простор во неговата сала за анестезија, операционата сала и сала за опоравување, а сепак, како и другите наши мобилни установи, може да биде оперативна во рок од неколку недели по одлуката да се преземе акција. Направете видео турнеја.
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Иновативен објект за „предавање на брза помош“ му помага на Фондацијата НХС на северозападна Англија да го подобри искуството на пациентот

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions обезбеди иновативен објект за „предавање на брза помош“ на Фондацијата на Фондацијата NHS на северозападна Англија, која веќе поддржа повеќе од 15.000 пациенти.
Прочитај повеќе

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
