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Sala de operație mobilă va deservi NHS Trust în timpul programului de renovare de doi ani

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Două săli de operație mobile de ultimă oră vor ajuta un trust NHS din Regatul Unit de Nord-Vest să mențină și să crească capacitatea în timpul unui proiect de renovare de doi ani.

Q-bital Healthcare Solutions is working with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust at its , UK, site where it has recently delivered and installed two laminar flow operating rooms.

Over the next 24 months the rooms will create a suite be used by the Trust’s own surgeons and anaesthetists to perform a range of procedures including breast surgery, urology and gynaecology operations and minor orthopaedic work. The rooms will operate five days a week.

The hospital is a major acute teaching hospital which is recognised as a centre of clinical excellence. Wythenshawe Hospital has several fields of specialist expertise including cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, heart and lung transplantation, respiratory conditions, burns and plastics, cancer and breast care services. These not only service the people of South Manchester, but help patients from across the North West and beyond.

The mobile rooms, which were installed and commissioned over the summer, are designed and built by Q-bital. Each provides an anaesthetic room, operating room, two bed first-stage recovery area, staff changing room and utility areas. Both wards are fully integrated in a bespoke way with the existing hospital infrastructure and ensure a seamless journey for the patient.

Facilitățile camerei cu flux laminar Q-bital oferă aer de mediu filtrat cu HEPA, care se conformează gradului A EUGMP, cu până la 600 de schimburi de aer pe oră care trec peste pacient și 25 de schimbări de aer proaspăt.

Simon Squirrell, UK North Regional Manager, said: “These two mobile laminar flow operating rooms combined provide an enhanced operating suite for the Trust which will not only allow them to maintain their capacity for breast, gynaecology and orthopaedic procedures while they undergo refurbishment, but will also help them increase it. This ultimately benefits patients who are waiting to be treated.

“We are extremely pleased to be part of the Trust’s solution in maintaining their service levels for patients while they undertake refurbishment work of their existing room provision.

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Unitatea 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
