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Zgjidhjet e kujdesit shëndetësor Q-bital në kongresin e ZKN

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Kemi kënaqësinë të njoftojmë se Q-bital Healthcare Solutions do të ekspozohet në Kongresin ZKN 2022.

Ne jemi të kënaqur të njoftojmë se Q-bital Healthcare Solutions do të ekspozojë në 2022 ZKN Congress.

Flexible Healthcare Spaces provider, Q-bital Healthcare Solutions, will be exhibiting at the annual ZKN Congress in Utrecht, showcasing their modular additional and replacement capacity solutions in line with the theme: ‘A master plan for plannable care – Time for choices’. You will find us on stand 12.

Following a number of successful projects across the BENELUX and France region, including most recently the installation of CSSD facilities at hospitals in both Reims dhe Brive, France, Q-bital is able to provide tailored modular healthcare solutions to healthcare providers, assisting in combating planned care backlogs in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Henk Driebergen, Country Manager for Q-bital for the BENELUX and France region will be attending the event and will be available for meetings throughout the duration of the event should you wish to discuss your hospital’s additional or replacement capacity requirements.

Q-bital will be exhibiting at the congress, Westkanaaldijk 7, 3542 DA, Utrecht, between 14:00 and 17:00 and will be located on stand 12. This will serve as a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate how Q-bital can meet its client’s unique healthcare needs.

Lindsay Dransfield, Chief Commercial Officer at Q-bital Healthcare Solutions said, “attending the ZKN congress provides a fantastic opportunity for Q-bital to showcase how they can best address each hospital’s bespoke needs. This will be our first congress in the Netherlands this year and we are really looking forward to attending”.

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Q-bital Healthcare Solutions
Njësia 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD
